
This is a guideline for developers. If you want to use this package, we refer to the README file.

Getting started

Clone or download this repository. Install all dependencies declared in the requirements.txt files located in:

  • ./requirements.txt

  • ./doc/requirements.txt

  • ./examples/requirements.txt

Only for Windows users:

Download and install gcc. Binaries for gcc are included in w64devkit. Create a system or user environment variable called PATH and append the path w64devkit\bin where gcc.exe is located.

Run tests

Try to run all doctest and unittests located in the modules conforce and conforce_shared. Additionally, an Abaqus installation is required to execute code of the conforce_abq package.

Test Code

Test code is written:

  • as Doctest in the docstrings of modules, classes or functions

  • as unittest.TestCase. Modules containing Unit Tests start with test_ and are placed in a sub-folder of the module called tests.


Sphinx is used to create the documentation. To build the documentation open a shell and change to the doc directory

cd doc

Delete the generated toctree before generating a sphinx doc. This prevents warnings.

rm -r source/generated

Finally, the documentation is generated by

make html

and can be opened by

start build/html/index.html

If sphinx raises a warning, check if the warning can be easily fixed.

Furthermore, readthedocs is used to create an only documentation.


To create a new release, follow the steps:

  1. make_plugin.bat

    This puts files for the Abaqus plugin into a zip-file in the release folder.

  2. Create a new tag named v{version-string}

  3. git push --tags

    Upload the tag to remote repository.

  4. Open the remote repository in the browser and create a new release.

    1. Choose the uploaded tag and the main branch as target.

    2. If the version is in the “alpha” or “beta” stage, check “Set as pre-release”.

    3. Upload the zip-file containing the Abaqus plugin from the release folder as binary.

    4. (Optional) Describe changes to the previous release

  5. Click Publish release

  6. Build a new documentation in readthedocs.

  7. upload_to_pypi.bat

    Upload Python 3 package to PyPi

Conventions and Guidelines

The following is a set of guidelines and conventions.


  • The package

    • conforce_gen contains modules that require Python 3 and do not run in Abaqus Python

    • conforce_abq contains modules that require Abaqus Python and do not run in Python 3

    • conforce contains modules that run in both, Abaqus Python and Python 3

Naming Conventions

The naming conventions follow the Style Guid for Python Code. However, there are a few exceptions.


  • A mathematical naming convention is used for variables.

    • Matrices and vectors are upper case.

    • Scalars are lower case except for quantities that are only known upper case like:

      • the youngs modulus E

      • the J-Integral J

    • Matrix components are scalars and thus are lower case. The index is written without an underscore. E.g. X = [x0, x1, x2]

    • If (sympy) symbols and concrete values are used simultaneously, the variable for the concrete value ends with an underscore. E.g.: U (symbolic displacements) and U_ (numpy array of displacements)

    • Variables referring to specific points are named according to {variable_name}_at_{point_name}.

    • The derivative of H with respect to R is written as dH_dR.


  • Function names are lower case except they refer to a mathematical symbol that is written upper case (e.g. eval_H refers to H the matrix of shape functions)


Use Semantic Versioning: {major}.{minor}.{patch}[-{modifier}] The modifier is optional.